Category: Rules of Golf & Etiquette

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Todays Golfer - Golf Society Organisers - Top Tips v1

Golf Society Organisers -10 Top Tips for making your day go smoothly

10 Rules to Ensure Your Golf Day Is a Success! This month The Social Golfer is very proud to have contributed to the following article and supplement that appeared in Today’s Golfer Magazine. Note from the Editor… “I’ve organised my fair share of golf breaks over the years, so you’d like to think I’ve picked…
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Neil Millar (centre) receiving the Murdoch Medal at Royal Liverpool Golf Club from Richard Williams (left), chairman of the award committee, and Bob Chadwick, British Golf Collectors Society Captain.

History of Golf book wins literary award…

Book on golf’s history by Open Championship official wins prestigious literary award The Murdoch Medal by the British Golf Collectors Society (BGCS). University professor and Open Championship referee Neil Millar has won one of the most prestigious awards relating to the study of golf history for his book Early Golf: Royal Myths and Ancient Histories.…
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The Social Golfer Membership Tiers

The Social Golfer Memberships FREE vs HANDICAP vs PRO

The Social Golfer Membership Tiers So, you’re thinking of registering with The Social Golfer as a FREE member but want to know the advantages of upgrading to our HANDICAP or PRO account? Good question! The Social Golfer is a unique internet golf community that allows you to meet other golfers, near or far. Track your…
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Golf Handicap Certificate

Get a Golf Handicap Certificate with The Social Golfer…

Looking to track your current playing ability using The Social Golfer’s Global Handicap Index? Want a printable official Golf Handicap Certificate?The Social Golfer handicapping analysis system allows you to calculate your GHS handicap certificate after every game.In addition, every time you enter a scorecard, it is automatically entered into our monthly TSG league table.Our bespoke Global…
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Golf Handicaps - The Myths - The Social Golfer

Golf Handicaps – The Myths…

Myths of Golf Handicaps As we know, Golfers are a peculiar breed…but why? Because unlike most sports, scoring in golf is often down to the interpretation of the rules, rather than the rules as they are laid down by the governing body, the R&A (The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews). For some…
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Golf Glossary Logo

Golf Glossary – Golfing Terms, Slang and Meanings

Golf is a great game with some great terminologies, some we all know, some that are unusual and some that are funny… Listed below is an explanation that may help us when playing the game. From Basic Golf Terms to some of the funnier phrases you can hear used on a golf course! The Basics:…
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Mexican Bandit with Guitar

How to deal with golf cheats…

Spotting a Golf Bandit in action We’ve all had to deal with golf cheats at one time or another, yet golf is supposed to be the great game of honour, or so they say. Except when it isn’t, and you find that you are confronted with someone trying to manipulate the rules to their own…
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The Social Network for Golfers – New Year, New Rules…

The Social Network for Golfers: New Year, New RulesAs the membership of our unique social network for golfers has grown significantly over the last 12 months (Nov & Dec excluded due to COVID) we thought the time has come to make guidelines for participation on the site.As long-term users know, we have always promoted something we…
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Golf Handicaps: Exceptional Play Cut…

NEW TSG HANDICAP RULE: EXCEPTIONAL PLAY CUT The exceptional play cut scoring calculation will be triggered when a player shoots four shots below his or her handicap. This will be an additional cut to the one given by the TSG Handicap System when you add your scorecard to the website.Please find below a chart we have put together…
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Golf Trivia at Xmas….

TSG – Golf Trivia for ChristmasSo with the Xmas season upon us, we thought we would give you some golf trivia on which to impress your friends this Christmas!As such, we turned to regular TSG Newsletter columnist ‘Scottish Bob’ to share with us some great golf trivia nuggets he’s been researching in 2019. ‘Scottish Bobs’…
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Golf Rules in 2019 – Major changes made…

Did you know there were major changes to the Golf Rules in 2019?After much debate over the last few years, the governing bodies sat down and made some drastic changes to the rules of golf.But which ones were adopted by the R&A and which were made into ‘Local Rules’?In addition, it is your job to…
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How to calculate your Golf Handicap…

There a number of ways to calculate your golf handicap either via a recognised CONGU® Club handicap OR alternatively, golfers can use an Online Golf Handicap Tracking Platform such as the one offered by The Social Golfer.However, be aware that Online Golf Handicap calculations are NOT approved by CONGU® (The Council of National Golf Unions).But how…
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The Social Golfer Monthly Newsletters…

Welcome to The Social Golfer Newsletters Archive! Catch up on the latest developments on the website, or look back at The Social Golfer’s history. Have you signed up for The Social Golfer Monthly Newsletters? Click the link below then tick “Send me The Social Golfer monthly newsletters” (N.B. You can unsubscribe at any time!) Send us…
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Discrimination in Golf – Game takes huge step back….

Discrimination in GolfWe know golf is always some years behind the rest of the world in its moral outlook maybe it should have been no surprise, when I recently experienced (in our opinion) a truly awful show of ignorance by my local council toward Paul Houghton – TSG’s very own Disabled golfer.Having got to know some…
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Mixed Matchplay Rules…

Golf Rules – Mixed MatchplayGolf is a game that we can all enjoy and despite varying degrees of playing standards, ages and genders it is one of the few sports in which players can compete fairly with anyone, thanks to the handicap system.So with the start of the TSG Mixed Matchplay tournament nearly upon us…
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Slow Play - Clock Face

Slow Play means ‘Ready golf’…

Slow Play on the golf course is usually a habit acquired over time, with the accumulation of many bad habits.If this is you, it’s often the result of the golfer never having been taught proper golf etiquette.Meaning, a slow player can usually be encouraged to play quicker. Of course, that golfer has to be aware they…
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