Note from the Editor…
“I’ve organised my fair share of golf breaks over the years, so you’d like to think I’ve picked up the odd useful bit of experience along the way.”
“My general advice is to start out with strict guidelines for your role in proceedings; for example, your job is to run the golf competitions, and not act as a ‘carer’ for all those attending! Here are some other rules for golf society organisers to consider…”
GET THE MONEY IN EARLY – Often, asking for a deposit will soon ward off the faint-hearted. Meaning you can spend your time on more important things.
PICK THE DATES YOU WANT – If you ask 10 people for their preferred dates, you’re likely to get 10 different answers. Pick two options and stick to them.
CHOOSE A COURSE THAT SUITS ALL STANDARDS – Ask 24 handicappers to play a 7,000-yard, 137 Slope rating course, and they will not enjoy the trip. And probably finish in the dark.
LIE ABOUT FIRST DAY’S TEE TIMES – Tell them it’s at least 20 minutes before the actual tee time. That will allow for those who hit the wine too heavily on the first night to still make their tee time. And put the heavy drinkers in the final fourballs.
HAVE A ‘LATENESS FINE’ SYSTEM – Tell every player there will be a two-shot penalty for anyone not being where they should be at the right time. And stick to it!
DON’T GET INVOLVED IN ROOM BOOKINGS – The last thing you want is to listen to complaints regarding hotel facilities. Get the name of the hotel manager/concierge and leave it to them. Don’t get involved. I promise you’ll thank me later!
BE PREPARED – Take some spare gloves,
tees, pencils, ball markers and scorecards to the first tee. The last thing you want is the first group running back to the pro shop. Meaning you’re behind schedule from the outset. I’ve seen players turn up without socks!
ARGUMENTS AND DISPUTES – Make it very clear that your word is final on any ruling. ‘Pace of play’ is everything on a golf society trip. And you don’t want the final group missing dinner due to a fight breaking out on the 15th.
ZERO TOLERANCE ON AGGRESSION – Believe it or not, I recently heard of two players getting into a fight on a society day.
Over a ball being played too soon off the tee and passing the fourball in front.
It resulted in a double amputee golfer being chased up the fairway by an impatient member who hated societies in general being at his course.
The said amputee was ex-military and my friend, who witnessed the whole thing, reported that claret was spilt! The member later apologised to the guest, albeit with a delicate nose!
LEAD FROM THE FRONT – Make it very clear to all that any form of cheating will immediately result in sanctions. Let players know that even the suspicion of cheating will result in a two-shot penalty.
Finally, all of the above can be done with a smile, but make sure you mean it. If they see you’re open to discussion/persuasion, they’ll abuse the rules.
Essentially, a well-organised trip can be fun for golf society organisers too. Follow these 10 rules and you won’t go far wrong!
Courtesy of Raymond Hearn, Course Architect
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