Category: TSG Newsletters

Make New Friends, Play More Golf

TSG celebrate 10th Birthday at Celtic Manor…

CELTIC MANOR: The Anniversary Cup We left England expecting the true Welsh experience but, low and behold, the sun came out and we FINALLY held a TSG event in 2020! x12 TSGers gather to play the Celtic Manor TWENTY-TEN course. x10 Polo Shirt competition winners and two of the TSG Team Plus our Host, Mike…
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The Social Golfer returns to South Essex Golf Club…

TSG PARTNER CLUB: South Essex Golf Club… We are incredibly pleased to confirm next year’s curtain-raiser to the season sees us return to our first-ever host venue, South Essex Golf Club, host of The Social Golfer 2011 OPEN Championship. Back then, we had only just launched the website, but we still saw around 30 golfers…
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Golf in Australia…

Friend of The Social Golfer ‘Bob’, tells us what there is to know about Golf in Australia For the last couple of years or so of being a member of The Social Golfer and writing about all the beautiful & interesting golf clubs and golf courses around the world More specifically my own club here…
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Mongolian Golf (you couldn’t make it up!)…

This story is not only about our great game of golf and golf courses around the world and more specifically, Mongolian Golf! However, it’s also about the two young men, Anthony Millet (English) and Patrick Colquhoun (Scottish) who both wanted to do something different. As such, they set about trying to help others less fortunate…
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Golf in The City: Golf Singapore…

Asia Golf – Singapore  In a new series of articles, this month sees Scottish Bob turns his attention to  south-east Asia in ‘Golf Singapore!‘ Over to Bob… The City So in a change to the usual focus on just one golf club per feature, I am starting this collection with the beautiful country (and city)…
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Best Winter Golf Events…

Locating the Best Winter Golf Events in the world to play can be a long and arduous exercise. Furthermore, as winter approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, many golfers put their golf bags and clubs away until spring. However, there are many intrepid golfers around the world who find the winter months a challenge and like…
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Unique Golf Courses of the World – Kilimanjaro Golf…

Scottish Bob – now turns his attention to some of the lesser-known courses around the world, this time it’s the turn of Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate As I have stated before, it never seems to amaze me the never-ending list of spectacular golf clubs & courses around the world, each one of them has…
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Unique Golf Courses – Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Golf Club …

Unique Golf Course – China  Following on from Scottish Bob’s blog series on the Oldest Golf Courses of the World by continent in 2017, Bob now turns his attention to some of the lesser known courses around the world, this time its the turn of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Golf Club. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain…
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Oldest Golf Club in Asia….

There are more than 40,000 golf clubs established across the world but which is the oldest Golf Club in Asia? TSG member Scottish Bob is an amateur golf historian who also collects golf scorecards from around the world wanted to know. In a series of articles about the oldest golf clubs around the world here’s what he…
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The Social Golfer Monthly Newsletters…

Welcome to The Social Golfer Newsletters Archive! Catch up on the latest developments on the website, or look back at The Social Golfer’s history. Have you signed up for The Social Golfer Monthly Newsletters? Click the link below then tick “Send me The Social Golfer monthly newsletters” (N.B. You can unsubscribe at any time!) Send us…
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Discrimination in Golf – Game takes huge step back….

Discrimination in Golf We know golf is always some years behind the rest of the world in its moral outlook maybe it should have been no surprise, when I recently experienced (in our opinion) a truly awful show of ignorance by my local council toward Paul Houghton – TSG’s very own Disabled golfer. Having got to…
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Joining a Golf Club – Confessions of a Golf Addict Pt 4…

Firstly, let me introduce myself, my name is Paul, and I’m a golf addict! So at this stage, I have been playing golf for roughly three years, my ‘Society handicap’ was 25 (before I knew about The Social Golfer) and I still wanted to improve. Fuelled with the comments made to me by other society golfers (that I…
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Grading Lake balls…

Following on from our article on how they retrieved lake balls early in 2016, we now asked Scott Phillips at Premier Lake Balls, about the process of grading lake balls once they have been retrieved and arrived at the cleaning factory… Grading Lake Balls… Based on customer feedback and with our own experience of over…
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Essex Golfer makes it back to back major victories at TSG Masters 2016…

TSG Masters 2016, the online social networking community for golfers celebrated its 3rd annual TSG Masters Championship at Warley Park Golf Club on 23rd April 2016… 30+ Golfers from all over the South East of England gathered at the Essex-based club, all hoping to be TSG Masters 2016 Champion golfer. The TSG Masters 2016…
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Confessions of a Golf Addict…

Let me introduce myself, my name is Paul and I’m a golf addict! I came to the game late in life re-starting after a 12 year sabbatical and post the rather unusual sport of Amputee Football, where’s he going with this I hear you say…well stick around, it’s going to get a lot weirder I…
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Pro Tips – Fix Your Swing…

Has your playing partner ever said after a bad shot, “You need to fix your swing! You’re bending your left arm!”? Well, the good thing about this swing fault is, that it’s very easy to see! So if you heard it, there is a strong possibility you did it. (Note: This is for right-handers. If…
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The Home of the Ryder Cup…

The Home of the Ryder Cup Ever wonder how and where the Ryder Cup came to into being. The home of the Ryder Cup is none other than Verulam Golf Club, St.Albans, where Samuel Ryder played. It’s a little-known fact but the official home of the Ryder Cup is not St.Andrews, The Belfry or any…
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Pro Tips – Cure that Slice…

Fed up with wayward drives? Need to cure that slice? How about we get it fixed then… In this month TSG Pro Tips,  I am going to cover a common lesson I give to all my students. Often when I see a golfer slice the ball, the clubface is wide open at impact (pointing right). So…
Read more – Golfers Survey 2015…

In January, we issued the TSG Golfers Survey questionnaire, asking you to give us your views on the website, what we were getting right and what we were getting wrong. Your thoughts on how we can improve and your opinions on the golf industry as a whole. We are very grateful to all those that took part,…
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Pro Tips – First Tee Nerves…

It’s a balmy Saturday in Summer and you are about to play in your first TSG official event. How are you feeling on the first tee? Are you suffering from first tee nerves? Just want to get it away? Make sure you don’t top it? You are not alone… If any of these thoughts sound familiar…
Read more – My Story…

We asked you the members to share your TSG ( stories with us. Here it’s the turn of Richard Adinolfi to tell us about his TSG experience. Richard joined TSG in December 2013. – My Story… “ means more to me than just playing golf. It started as therapy of sort and developed into an…
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Pro Tips – Driving it longer…

I’m sure we all dream of hitting the ball further than we ever have before, but how often do we actually stop to consider, how we start driving it longer? First thing to do is make sure your driver is right for you. If you haven’t been custom fitted for your driver, it is something…
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